Oracle For Mac Leopard

  1. Oracle For Mac Leopard Dmg
  2. Oracle Database For Mac
  3. Oracle For Mac Leopard 10.6
  4. Oracle Client For Mac

Apple has always been creative in dealing with the marketing strategies that they come up with to make a stand in the market. the release of the Mac OS X snow leopard is by far considered the best market release. This statement is adhered to by the low price release the end-users had to pay for a single user license as well as the ease of involvement involved with the use of the Mac OS X snow leopard.

The Mac OS X snow leopard didn’t house any new additional feature but was hauled with an improvement in the software framework the existing features worked on. The Snow leopard was introduced into the market for a very low price od 29$ that made the OS be downloaded almost b every end-user of a Mac.

I am trying to install Oracle XE 10.2 on my Mac Leopard. However, it doesn't go without a lot of fuzz. Thankfully I have this tutorial at my disposal: Thus, Oracle VM VirtualBox comes with extensive support for a substantial number of guest operating systems including, but absolutely not limited to, Mac OS X (10.5 or later), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7).

Make Offer - Apple Mac OS X Version 10.5 Leopard Full Retail Install DVD Software MB021Z/A Apple Mac OS X Version 10.5.6 Leopard 5-User Family Pack MC095Z/A $97.99. This discussion is archived. 0 Replies Latest reply Latest reply.

Official Installer

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Apple Inc.


The Mac OS X snow leopard can be considered as the trial experiment held by apple to make an improvement in their software framework and also increase the credibility of the devices offered by Apple to the market. Apple majorly focused on the software part with this OS update merely to experiment with new software algorithms and expand the technological horizon of the operating system.

The changes made to the existing features will give you a brief idea about how Apple planned to revolutionize computing.

Mac App store

The full-scale dedicated store to download all the applications for your Macintosh system. This was released along with the Mac OS X leopard to get the response from the end-user about its practicality and when all positive reviews turned in, apple decided to go with the MacApp store with a tweak to the software frame and also improving the user interface between the user and the system.

Lesser space

Apple was very particular about reducing the amount of memory taken up by the operating system. Since the Mac OS X Snow leopard was an overhaul feature improvement update, Apple planned to keep things subtle and succeeded in keeping the bar less than 7GB compared to its ancestor the Mac OS X leopard. They mainly cut down on the space that was used up for pre-installed drivers for printers.

User Interface tweaks

Apple also made an intelligent watch over the aesthetic details that accompanied with the update. They made sure that they made the user interface as interactive and compelling as possible to give the user a good experience while using the system. they also made sure that the tweak in the traffic light type buttons on the title bar is kept subtle and lighter to give a jump to the aesthetic detailing.

The finder application was also fully revamped from scratch and was written in Cocoa, Apple’s very own objective-oriented programming language. This gave Apple the chance to upgrade their usage as well as get the most out of cocoa as well.

The sleep and boot rate of the Mac OS X snow leopard is considered to be the best and fast in its class.

Architecture transformation

With the Mac OS X Snow leopard, the 32-bit architecture went into the dark in the history of constructing architecture for apple devices. This ensures that apple devices only worked on 64-bit resolutions. This meant that the previous apple device which could only support 32-bit were starting to rot as scrap. This move from Apple wasn’t welcome by many but as the popularity of the 64-bit architecture spread, apple sufficed through the rough patch.

Open CL

The Open Computing Language or popularly known as the Open CL is considered as the language that paved the way for improvement in the graphical user interface of the Apple devices. The precision involved in numerical processing made by the open CL ensures that the optimal use of the graphical interface was done. This also ensured that the proper load of work was put on the GPU and enabled to adapt the screen to 3-D games like a pro. The open CL is based on the open standard format that was supported by all the leading graphical processing chips of famous brand names like AMD, Intel, Nvidia, etc.

System requirements

  • Mac Computer with intel processor supporting X84-64-bit architecture.
  • 5GB of free hard disk space.
  • 1GB minimum RAM.
  • DVD drive or external USB drive.

Download Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 ISO and DMG direct file

You can download the Mac OS X Snow leopard DMG file directly from the ISO river post absolutely free of cost. Before you proceed with the download make sure that you have a significant amount of space for download or it may end up creating trash files which you will have to manually remove. The Mac OS X snow leopard is a software upgraded Operating system. If you are using a Mac system that is older than 2005, then the Snow leopard OS won’t support onto your device.

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 ISO and DMG file direct Download - ISORIVER

You can download the Mac OS X Snow leopard DMG file directly from the ISO river post absolutely free of cost. Before you proceed with the download make sure that you have a significant amount of space for download or it may end up creating trash files which you will have to manually remove.

Price Currency: USD

Operating System: Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6

Application Category: OS

Its been sometime now since both the Database Client (+ Instant Client) and Database server have been available for Apple Mac OS X x86-64 . The lowest version supported was the Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.4 .
By the time Oracle released the Oracle DB , Snow Leopard was already out and adopted by the Mac community . If you happen to be on a SL box and trying to install Oracle , there is a know problem with the database crashing while installation . Many notable Oracle/Mac folks have worked through and found alternate solutions .
Check out the below links for information :
Link 1
I will try to list out the issues and workarounds for getting Oracle Databse installed . Some of the points may have been already mentioned in the links mentioned earlier .
1. JDK version on Snow Leopard
JDK 1.6 ( 64 bit ) is the default JDK version available on the platform . If we can install JDK 1.4.2 ( 32-bit ) on Snow Leopard , we will *NOT* require many of the other workarounds related to JDK version mentioned below .
Searching on the web , I found this link which says how to use the older Leopard version 1.4.2 ( & 1.5 ) JDK on Snow Leopard . *NOT* sure if its officially supported , I haven't tried it out myself , but this is a suggestion if someone wants to give it a try .Oracle For Mac Leopard
2. Working around with the JDK 1.6 ( 64 bit ) on Snow Leopard
The next workaround is to configure the Snow Leopard system to use the default JDK 6 , but in 32-bit mode , since there is still not much support for 64 bit java ( some Oracle install related JNI libs are 32-bit ) . JDK 1.6 is pretty recent and there hasn't been much adoption though its slowly increasing .
This is *NOT* tested , but I assume this should also work out . Open '/Applications/Utilities/Java' and set JDK 6 32-bit by default .
The next workaround , is to make a symlink for JDK 1.4.2 point to the default JDK 1.6 . But since its 64 bit by default we need to do changes to some of Oracle's installation scripts .
i) We first need to invoke the runInstaller ( which install's Oracle ) with the '=J-d32' option so that it invokes Java in 32-bit mode , since in the default mode Java 6 is invoked in 64-bit mode .

Oracle For Mac Leopard Dmg

ii) We also need to modify the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java script and pass the '-d32' flag in the command-line . $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java is used to invoke all the different Oracle database configuration assistants ( netca, dbca etc ) .
3. Make Errors
Oracle xe for macDuring the install , we can still see the below issue :
Error in invoking target 'all_no_orcl ipc_g ihsodbc32' of makefile
Workaround : Comment out the HSODBC_LINKLINE in . Maybe ignoring should also work .
4. Configuration Assistants failures
We should fix the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java script to invoke Java in 32-bit mode so that we don't see any failures while running the NETwork Configuration Assistant ( NETCA ) , DataBase Configuration Assistant ( DBCA ) etc ..
5. EE/SE install's with DB creation Snow Leopard
Any of the EE/SE installs on Snow Leopard have a known problem . They fail with the below error message while running the DBCA :
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel appeared.
( dbca : ORA-3113 with CloneRmanRestore )
Looking through the logs , we can see the below error messages :
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [joxnfy_()+2763] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x277B8AEB8] [] []
This happens when dbca is invoked to create the database in the EE/SE installs ( not in the software only installs ) . The workarounds suggested on the previously mentioned links is to copy the old Oracle binary to overwrite the new binary .
During Oracle Installation , the Oracle binary is relinked/regenerated on the platform . Even though there shouldn't have been anything which would prevent Oracle to run smoothly on Snow Leopard , unfortunately we see the above issue when the Oracle binary is recompiled on Snow Leopard ( with the rest of the libraries oracle uses being the same old ones).
There seems to have been some changes that have gone into the Snow Leopard . Even though there were no major changes , as the naming convention of Apple would suggest ( Leopard -> Snow Leopard ) , there are still some subtle differences .
One of the changes which is linked to the Oracle Installation crash , most likely seems to be related to changes as described below ( found from a wiki ) :
With the introduction of Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 platform the Mach-O file has undergone a significant modification that causes binaries compiled on a 10.6 computer to be by default only able to run on a 10.6 computer. The difference stems from load commands that Mac OS X's linker (dyld) can not understand on previous Mac OS X versions. Another significant change to the Mach-O format is the change in how the Link Edit tables (found in the __LINKEDIT section) function. In 10.6 these new Link Edit tables are compressed by removing unused and unneeded bits of information, however Mac OS X 10.5 and earlier cannot read this new Link Edit table format. To resolve this issue, the linker flag '-mmacosx-version-min=' is heavily used and depended on. Apple, current maintainer of the Mach-O format, recommends that all developers now use this flag along with the appropriate SDK headers when creating an application/binary.
Below is the dyld ( Dynamic Loader ) release notes of Mac OS X 10.6 ( Snow Leopard )
DYLD release notes for Mac OS X 10.6 ( Snow Leopard )
Researching based on the above data , made me stumble upon a couple of new compiler/linker flags which can help control the generation of the __LINKEDIT section format ( traditional relocation format or the new compressed format ) .
-mmacosx-version-min=version ( Apple GCC Flag )
The earliest version of MacOS X that this executable will run on is version. Typical values of version include 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3.9 .
Oracle database for mac-macosx_version_min version ( LD Flag )
This is set to indicate the oldest Mac OS X version that that the output is to be used on. Specifying a later version enables the linker to assumes features of that OS in the output file. The format of version is a Mac OS X version number such as 10.4 or 10.5.
Please note the difference between hyphen ('-') vs the underscore ('_') and also the names of the flags for GCC and LD respectively .
-no_compact_linkedit ( LD Flag )
Normally when targeting Mac OS X 10.6, the linker will generate compact information in the __LINKEDIT segment. This option causes the linker to instead produce traditional relocation information.
The '-no_compact_linkedit' linker flag is used / makes sense / allowed only in conjunction with the -mmacosx-version-min=version ( Apple GCC Flag ). You can also use the -macosx_version_min version ( LD Flag ) instead of the GCC flag if you want.
Now , passing the -mmacosx-version-min=version ( Apple GCC Flag ) & '-no_compact_linkedit' linker flag to the Oracle link-line generates a Oracle which is compatible with the older format and also works fine on the Snow Leopard version.
Below is the modification we need to make , to change the Oracle Link-link manually in the Makefile :
$ diff
< ORACLE_LINKER=gcc -flat_namespace -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -Wl,-no_compact_linkedit $(OLAPPRELINKOPTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(COMPSOBJS)

Oracle Database For Mac


Oracle For Mac Leopard 10.6

Oracle Client For Mac

With this generated binary , DBCA should proceed through cleanly and so also the Oracle Database install on the Mac OS X Snow Leopard.